Posts by admin

How To Learn Real Estate Financial Modeling [Faster]

When I was in school, picking up things quickly was never really my thing. I’ve always worked hard, so I was always able to get through classes and ultimately get good grades, but fully grasping concepts always felt like it was taking me a lot longer than it should have, and definitely longer than […]

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The Three Most Common Commercial Real Estate Interview Questions (& How To Answer Each)

If you have a commercial real estate interview coming up, the process can be stressful and overwhelming (I know, I’ve been there). It’s not uncommon to have a commercial real estate interview last several hours with half a dozen people meeting you at various different times, all with their own questions to help vet […]

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What Rent Cuts Mean For CRE Investors

For the last three months, rent growth has been slashed across almost all major US markets, and many major US metros have actually seen market rent growth turn negative as a result of business closures and tens of millions of job losses across the country. And because most multifamily leases are short-term in nature […]

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What All-Time Low Interest Rates Mean For Real Estate Investors

With the 10-year US treasury rate plunging in early March and hovering around historic lows for the last two months, interest rates on both new commercial real estate acquisitions and refinances on currently owned properties are extremely low right now. And for most investors, this is considered a huge win to increase the profitability of a […]

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Why Multifamily Investors Have Made So Much Money Since 2010 (& What Might Happen Next)

Multifamily real estate investing has been extremely profitable for real estate investors that have gotten in the game since 2010. But aside from the obvious statement that everyone needs a place to live, why has multifamily performed so well over the last decade? And if you invested in a typical multifamily deal in 2010, […]

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How Interest-Only Loans Affect Real Estate Investment Returns

If you’ve been in commercial real estate for a while, or you’ve shopped around for commercial real estate financing options, you’ve probably heard of an interest-only period. And an interest-only period is exactly what it sounds like – a period of time in which you’ll only pay interest payments, and won’t pay any principal payments on […]

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How To Calculate Property Taxes

Real estate taxes are often your biggest operating expense when you own a commercial real estate property. Getting these values right is huge, since commercial real estate values are based on the net operating income the property can generate, and that net operating income is highly affected by property tax payments. If you’re trying to calculate […]

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Base Year Stop Reimbursement Structures Explained

Breaking Down The Base Year Stop In Real Estate In commercial real estate investing, often you’ll have expense reimbursement clauses in a lease which call for the tenant to reimburse the landlord for operating expenses associated with the property. These are usually relatively easy and straight-forward to calculate, but the base year stop calculation […]

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XIRR vs. IRR In Real Estate Financial Modeling – Don’t Make This Mistake

When you’re analyzing a real estate deal, should you use the IRR function built into Excel, or should you use the XIRR function? Check out this article to find out the answer.

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How To Use Goal Seek In Real Estate Financial Modeling

How To Use Goal Seek In Real Estate Financial Modeling Trying to come up with a valuation for a real estate deal, and want to do it more quickly and efficiently than the manual “try until something sticks” method? If so, goal seek can be a great function to use that can make solving […]

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Grab The Free Real Estate Financial Modeling Crash Course

Learn The Three Pillars of Real Estate Financial Modeling & How To Build Models on Autopilot